Morrowind Best House To Join Average ratng: 3,9/5 3710 votes

Morrowind Best House To Join

First of all you need to become a Vampire. Since you're askingthis question, I'm going to assume you already did this.

How do you join a vampire clan on morrowind? First of all you need to become a Vampire. Look around and talk to people in runescape and find out what different types of clans are around.
So, whatyou need to do is quite simple to join a clan. You need to go to aplace where there are Vampires (Caves, Ancestral Tombs, etc.). Thenyou need to talk to all the Vampires until you find one that cangive you quests. You can usually pick these characters out of thebundles of Vampires that are in some places because they alwayslook really important.The Categories of this question is so wrong.