Since the virus came from your computer please clear your computer first so your other device will not get infected.Here is how you can clean your computer.1. Click the arrow up on the task bar to show hidden icons.2. Open your Antivirus(I use Eset).3.
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Click Computer Scan.4. Click Smart Scan if you are using eset too or full scan if you are using other antivirus.5. Delete every virus that it detects.Here are the screenshots of the process above.1.-2.-3.-4.-Now your computer is cleaned I want you to clear your phone.Warning: This cleaning process will erase everything on your phone and you cannot backup the files since it will backup the virus too.1. Open your phone`s settings.2. Select Storage.3. On the SD card section tap format SD card.4. Now go back to settings.5.
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Tap Backup and Reset.6. Select Factory Data Reset.7. Wait for the phone to reboot.9.

Now your phone and SD card is virus free.Note: You can install an antivirus app on your phone to avoid getting infected in the future. Also always scan the files before you open it.You can download Antivirus for your phone from the link.Translation:Karena virus itu datang dari komputer Anda, silakan membersihkan komputer anda terlebih dahulu sehingga perangkat lain tidak akan terinfeksi.Berikut adalah bagaimana Anda dapat membersihkan komputer Anda.1. Klik panah pada task bar untuk menampilkan ikon tersembunyi.2.
Buka Antivirus Anda ( saya menggunakan Eset ).3. Klik Komputer Scan.4. Klik Scan Smart jika Anda menggunakan ESET juga atau scan penuh jika Anda menggunakan antivirus lainnya.5. Hapus setiap virus yang mendeteksi.Berikut adalah screenshot dari proses di atas.1 -.2 -.3 -.4 -.Sekarang komputer Anda dibersihkan saya ingin Anda untuk membersihkan ponsel Anda.Peringatan: Proses pembersihan ini akan menghapus semua yang ada di ponsel Anda dan Anda tidak bisa backup file karena akan cadangan virus juga.1.
Buka pengaturan telepon Anda.2. Pilih Penyimpanan.3. Pada kartu SD bagian tap Format SD card.4. Sekarang kembali ke pengaturan.5. Tap Backup dan Reset.6. Pilih Data Pabrik Reset.7. Tunggu telepon untuk reboot.9.
Sekarang kartu telepon dan SD Anda bebas virus.Catatan: Anda dapat menginstal sebuah aplikasi antivirus pada ponsel Anda untuk menghindari terinfeksi di masa depan. Juga selalu memindai file sebelum Anda membukanya.Anda dapat mendownload Antivirus untuk ponsel Anda dari. Here is how you can put games from your Laptop to your computer.1. Connect your tablet to your computer using USB cable.2. Wait for the autoplay to appear.3. Click Open Folder to view files.4.
Now you are inside your Tablet`s memory.5. Copy the APK files from your computer to your tablet.I included a video that you can watch if you are still having trouble.Translation:Berikut adalah bagaimana Anda dapat menempatkan game dari Laptop Anda ke komputer Anda.1. Hubungkan tablet Anda ke komputer menggunakan kabel USB.2. Tunggu autoplay muncul.3. Klik Open Folder untuk melihat file.4.

Sekarang Anda berada di dalam memori Tablet Anda.5. Salin file APK dari komputer ke tablet Anda.Saya termasuk video yang Anda dapat menonton jika Anda masih mengalami kesulitan. Watch this tutorial video on how to download songs to your ipadand here`s the step on how to upload ipad photo to your facebook account' Connect Your iPad to Facebook. If you haven`t already done so, you will want to connect your iPad to Facebook in your iPad`s settings.
You can do this under the Facebook settings within your iPad settings.Go to Your Photos. Once connected to Facebook, uploading photos to Facebook is a snap. First, go to the Photos app and choose which photo you want to upload.Share the Photo. Touch the share icon at the top of the screen. This looks like a rectangle with an arrow coming out of it. This will bring up a pop-up window with sharing options.Share to Facebook.
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Simply tap Facebook and you will be prompted to input a comment for the photo. When you are ready, tap the 'Post' button at the top right corner of the pop-up window.' Source:
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That will not work, you need to modify your PS2 to make games work. Also you need to burn the games to a DVD games that are directly from USB will not be readable.I also won`t suggest this method cause will be piracy, please purchase legit games from a store.Translation:Yang tidak akan bekerja, Anda perlu untuk mengubah Anda PS2 agar game bekerja. Juga Anda perlu untuk membakar permainan ke DVD game yang langsung dari USB tidak akan dibaca.Saya juga tidak akan menyarankan metode ini menyebabkan akan menjadi pembajakan, silahkan membeli legit permainan dari toko. Leader BoardLeading TodayPtsHelpful1.200100%2.200100%3.20061%4.20073%5.20072%6.20086%7.200100%8.200100%9.2004%11.20018%13.200%15.063%Leading this WeekPtsHelpful1.40073%2.40082%3.40060%4.40076%5.31392%6.200100%7.20084%8.20078%9.2007%11.2006%13.20010%Leading this MonthPtsHelpful1.1600100%2.120083%3.1200100%4.120088%5.95392%6.80084%7.800100%8.60068%9.6003%11.6003%13.6000%15.4028%18.4006%20.4002%22.40019%24.40014%.