Lords of the Fallen guide: Commander boss battle. Open the chest here to find a Qamar Staff and an Energy Shard. Now head back toward the light that emanated from the initial chest, taking out the Marauder and Rogue along the way, and touch the light to send it shooting towards the locked chest. Just be careful though, as it's easy to get lost in Lords of the Fallen. Unless you know you're going to be using magic a lot, spend most of your XP on attribute points. They will help more in the.
Lords of the Fallen, the new action game from Deck 13 and Bandai Namco, is an interesting creation. On the surface, it looks a whole lot like a “ Dark Souls” style game, a slow and plodding action game that relies heavily on well-timed blocks and dodges along with incredibly slow attacks that need to be used at opportune times. However, if you stick around and watch the game for a while, you’ll notice some key differences. Specifically, you’ll notice that you don’t die nearly as much. The game forgives you for button mashing more than Dark Souls would.
The game also has a deeper focus on plot and no multiplayer elements. It’s then that you realize that Lords of the Fallen isn’t really just a Dark Souls clone, but is rather a marriage between the hardcore Dark Souls style of action gameplay, and then frantic button mashy gameplay we have come to expect from games like God of War. Even though the game stumbles at times, the strange fusion of gameplay styles works and creates a likeable, if not slightly forgettable experience for the action crowd.The weakest part of Lords of the Fallen is the story.
You are Harkyn, a former criminal who was released from his imprisonment to defend the world from an interdimensonal scourge called the Rhogar. And uh yeah that’s about it. The game tries to throw some plot twists your way, saving details about Harkyn’s past until the very end of the game, but plot details drip in at a slow pace and by the time you are halfway through the game’s 15 hour run time, you will likely have forgotten all about it. The game even tries to include elements of a moral choice system and dynamic dialogue, but none of the choices you make matter, and the dialogue feels forced. It feels like a pretender, playing at being a “serious” game with a “mature” plot, while really wanting to focus on gameplay first and foremost.And, to be honest, the gameplay does not disappoint. As I said before, it is very reminiscent of Dark Souls, right down the management of your stamina bar. Everything you do, from attacking to dodging, uses up your stamina bar, so button mashing is discouraged.
Like with Dark Souls, playing the game effectively comes down to this delicate dance of offense and defense, and mastering that dance is what makes the game fun.
The Stab spell will be your best friend. It is insanely OP and on most enemies it breaks their guard so you can get hits in on them while the spell is still hitting them. Almost instant death for whatever you cast it on. Also, try using a shield and parrying. Parrying in this game is much easier than in Dks; with the dagger or any agility build, you do a tonnnnn of damage with riposte and crit hits. I built deception and rogue for my first build as well, so if you have anymore questions just ask!. Well, you'll be in a tough spot if you've restricted yourself entirely to daggers, I'd recommend using a variety of agility weapons.I'm playing a Rogue as well and when I came to where you are now I were using the 'Scab' Staff, which I find great, it can use 2 Runes, so when I got to the smith I immediately put in 2 flawless runes for good results.

You should also already have found some decent claws along the way.You'll find more daggers later and I hope I will too (I'm ahead of you, but stuck at some CTD caused by explosions). At where I am, I just replaced a dagger and my 'Scab' staff with a more awesome agility weapon.
Lords Of The Fallen Best Class
I don't really like the claw movesets either, but they make for great backstab weapons.For runes I use the Flawless ones I get and put them into my weapons and then put whatever armor increasing ones I have in my light/medium armor. I liked to use a poisen rune in my dagger to apply the dot and then put some agi scale or straight damage on my staff.I like simple magic, so I just put a fire rune into my Magic Gaunlet for some extra damage and use Stab for a good burst of physical damage.For attributes I like to put a bit in luck to get alot of runes and then I focus on agility, endurance, faith and vitality. I don't feel I need that much health, so I have more of my other focus points than in vitality.