Hello, dear all.I have some doubts about using.I'm not a newbie about this program. But, in special 'cases', I'm having some troubles concerning subtitling synchronization.My case:1) I have a video with 25 FPS.2) I have a srt subtitle wich I made using my personal dvd disc.

The srt file is a 23,976 FPS material.My doubt is HOW to synchronize using Subtitle Workshop when we have video and srt with differents FPS.How to proceed?1) Should I open srt file first? Or the video file?2) After that, how to set the option in Subtitle Workshop?

Cara Memakai Subtitle Workshop
I mean, what should I put on. Actually, SRT Files do not use fps. SRT uses time in seconds.(Other formats, like ASS, use framecount.)So it doesn't matter what you set the fps in, it won't be written into the file.To sync, open the SRT, then 'Movie/open'.Read the extensive manual for the various methods to adjust timing, if necessary.You can move all times by a constant delay, or probably most useful, set the first and last and the ones in between proportionately.Also I use version 2.51. The later version has some different features.
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Subtitle Workshop Mp4

Subtitle Workshop Online
It's written in the help file, it's trivial.1.4.8 FPS and Input FPSKnowing the difference between this two fields is crucial to work with.Input FPS is the FPS of the movie that the subtitle was originally made for. FPS is the FPS of the movie you want it to adjust the subtitle to (you can see FPS stated at the right, under the preview pane, if you load the video).Q: How do I convert a 23.976 FPS subtitle file into 25?A: Simply set 'Input FPS' to 23.976, load the subtitle file and then set 'FPS' to 25. You have just changed framerate of the file.You may have to do some further time displacements, if the subtitles show up too early, or too late. Press Ctrl-D and move them, as necessary.
Cara Membuat Subtitle Menggunakan Workshop Posted by Unknown at 2:40 AM Kali ini saya akan bahas tentang software yang digunakan untuk membuat atau mengedit subtitle. Mungkin ada banyak software untuk membuat subtitle, tapi saat ini saya akan bahas tentang software yang bernama Subtitle Workshop. This video shows you how to use the subtitle workshop. It is a free software, you can download it from here:.