Kotor 2 was rushed for a Xmas release by lucas arts, obsidian had no choice in the matter. Don't get me wrong, the game is bugged to hell, but the PC and International console version released in a couple of months should definetly be a much cleaned up code.
Method 1: Check if there are any latest update for the game.Download the latest updates for the game from the manufacturer's site.Method 2: Update the Display Adapter driverUpdate the display adapter driver to the latest by visiting the manufacturer’s site.You may also follow this step to do the same:a. Double-click the type of device you want to update or change.b. Right-click the specific device driver you want to update or change.c. Click Update Driver to open the Hardware Update Wizard. Follow the wizard instructions.More information on.
So i'm 20hrs or so into KOTOR II when i run into a game ending bug.::SPOILERS::On Dantooine you have to save Master Vrook from some Mercs. They have Vrook in a force cage, so i go in slaughter the Mercs and go to get Vrook out of his cage but i can't interact with him. Can't talk to him can't get him out of his cage. So i forget about it and leave Vrook where he is.
I go back to the main part of the level. A cut scene starts as i enter main section. It finishes with Vrook joining my party, only Vrook is still in his cage. The cut scene ends and instead of going back to the game i get a big honking black screen. I can pull up the menu and maps but i cannot see any of my characters and can't see where i'm going (but i can still hear the background noises). Ive checked around and i'm not alone with this bug,How such a huge bug got past QA (if they have QA) is amazing.The part that POs me the most is that they have yet to post a single reply to any of the multiple requests for a fix or info of any kind in there OWN support forums.Gah!!! Please stop releasing half finished nonpatchable software!
My lightsider is still problem free after 30ish hours, but I've hit a similar bug when I tried to start my darksider character, the game goes nuts when T3 gets frozen by the HK50 droid on Peragus. The screen goes all black, yet I can still hear sounds that prove it's not frozen, and the menus are still operational, so I saved and reloaded and lo and behold, the picture is back, cept it's MY character where T3 was, and as soon as I change loading zones, it's back to a still-frozen T3.I have an earlier save, and I've tried a few times to get past it, and it happens every single time, quite odd to say the least. But it's not like I lost much, that's 20-30min in the game anyways.
The save/load might work in other situations though.EDIT Obviously, the point is to create a NEW savegame, so as not to save the messed up behavior over your 'working' save. Another bad bug is if you're darkside and go to see the remaining Jedi council.You walk into the old council chambers on Dantooine, it starts to pan around you. And freezes.I had to turn off the Xbox off and on about four times before it managed to get past that spot.Obsidian is pretty tight-lipped about all the bugs on thier boards, leaving the people to talk about themselves with nary an official peep.
Sort of frustrating, really, and very dissapointing.A lot of people on the Obsidian boards are accusing all people with problems with the game of having a modded xbox and illegally copying the game, which is poop. While I recently modified my Xbox, it was having issues before I took out one screw (previously mentioned T3 issue). Simple fact is modded or no, running from HDD or DVD, the game is buggy as hell and was obviously rushed through QA for the holiday. This game is buggy as heck.
The switch from bioware to obsidian was bad enough, but I believe lucasarts rushed obsidian so they could make money from christmas sales nad messed it up, becuase the game is classic lucasarts product (messed up).I'm a big star wars and KOTOR fan, and I like the game, bullshit aside. But I rented the game, I wouldn't buy it though, wouldn't recommend anyone to buy it. Game of the year? I don't think so. After this they don't deserve it.There are tons of people suffering from the black screen errrors and gaps where they can't advance in the game. The plot seemed really cool, but it's very weak in places, even for a mystery game. Even though it's titled the sith lords, it doesn't have alot about them alot.
You fight three of them, only one of them is even partially explained. The conversation tree's are not adaptive, so at times you can choice to say something about your past that you haven't learned yet. For example, I was able to tell someone at the beggining of the game what ship I was on traveling to the location, and I really didn't know, I never found out. For a mystery kind of thing, I went through the game, expecting to figure stuff out and stuff coming together towards the end. I ended up waiting for small clues and plot points to be explained later, that never happened. Fghss yvxr onpxtebhaq ba Erina, Fvba, znfxrq qhqr, nybg bs gur punenpgref.
Onb Qhe'f znff funqbj trarengbe jnf arire rkcynvarq. V qba'g rira haqrefgnaq gur pbaprcg bs gur rkvyrf sbepr rpbf. Zl orrs jvgu gur jubyr dhrfg bs frnepuvat bhg gur wrqv znfgref vf V jnf rkcrpgvat gb yrnea zber naq zber sebz rnpu bar V sbhaq, ohg gurl nyy cerggl zhpu tvir lbh gur fnzr guvat. Pay attention the entire game and to every convo, and talk to every person, they aren't going to handhold you in this game. Most of the time some big plot point that you discover that you think is going to be explained, is actually all that will ever be explained. The combat system and difficulty is weird, you can breeze through it mostly, then get stuck at a really hard part. For examle:Orphnfr V qvqa'g uvg ane funqqnn svefg (V qvq vg ynfg), V jnfa'g noyr gb pbaireg nybg bs zl punenpgref gb wrqv, naq qhevat nernf bs gur tnzr jurer lbh qba'g unir lbhe znva punenpgre, zl aba wrqv thlf tbg guebhtubhyl bjarq.
Tbvat hc gur enzc gb gur fvgu gbzc ba Qkha, Nggbaf svtug jvgu gur gjva fhaf, rpg. Qb Ane funqqn svefg, lbh trg nybg bs cnegl zrzoref gurer, naq gurer ner vasyhrapr bcbeghavglf gurer gung yrg lbh ghea cnegl zrzoref gb wrqv (nggba naq zven, znlor obh qhe). V nyfb oryvrir gurer ner zbfg bs gur ux cnegf gurer gb erohvyq gur ybinoyr ux 47. Naljnl, qb ane funqqn nf fbba nf cbffvoyr.Now to the glitch and lazy programming section. Like mentioned, there are the black screen places where you get stuck.
Lots of people suffering from the game actually freezing. FPS and performace issues. There's even points on nar shadaa where, they forgot to delete characters after certian quests are completed. Abgvpr nyy gur obhagl uhagref unatvat nebhaq fgnevat ng lbh ng gur orttvaavat? Qhevat gur gvzr ba gur cynarg, lbh xvyy, punfr bss, naq rira pbaireg bar gb wbvavat lbh naq gurl orpbzr n cnegl zrzore.
Ohg gurl fgvyy ner gurer fgnevat ng lbh gur erfg bs gur tnzr. Lbh pna chg zven va lbhe cnegl, naq nabgure pbcl bs ure jvyy fgvyy or fgnevat ng lbh.All that said, the game was an awesome rental. If your a die hard star wars or kotor fan, then you can enjoy it even after all it's faults. I'm glad obsidian left qrgnvyf nobhg erina, naq jung ur'f hc gb mostly alone. That job is for bioware to take up, obsidian shouldn't be alowed to spoil it.
But I doubt lucasarts will take the hint. I'm having a wierd issue where people stop 'speaking' during conversations. I have the subtitles on, but the subtitles rushes by the screen faster than I can read it. It's really annoying.And I've had the 'black screen of death' problems more than once.I have not modd'ed my XBox, and I've never had any problems with any other game.
This really sucks. If it wasn't a christmas presant, I'd wait for the PC release.
I still may end up getting that, in hopes the bugs are fixed well enough for me to play through the damn thing. Quote:Originally posted by RenegadeOTV:The switch from bioware to obsidian was bad enoughDon't say that. Bioware is in the process of becoming The Great Betrayer. While they single-handedly pulled us out of a PC RPG draught with the original Baldur's Gate, they are now seemingly trying to hamstring the genre. Genuine depth is being traded for smoke and mirrors. It's sad.Hope for true RPGs now lies with Troika, and hopefully Obsidian. Obsidian let the Devil bed them when they followed up KotOR, and now they're about to begin working on NWN2 (damnit!), but I pray they'll move away from Bioware before long.
There are some genuinely talented and creative people in Obsidian.note I rot13'd some of the text due to possible spoilers.Well I just beat the game on LS male, and all I have to say is WTF. While I only ran into one bug (the black screen bug), I'm gonna have to take issue with the whole plot line. Many a times, there are enough plot holes to drive a dump truck through. Also wtf is up with the ending? Rneyvre jr frr gur Roba Unjx snyy gb vg'f qbbz ohg gura vg vf gurer gb jvfx hf njnl? Gur yrnfg gurl pbhyq qb vf unir Onb-Qhe rkcynva gb hf gung ur jbexrq uvf 1337 zntvp ba gur Roba Unjx. Ohg ng gur fnzr gvzr uvf yvggyr zrffntrf gb gur Erzbgr znqr vg frrz yvxr ur jnf qlvat.

GRRRRRRRRRquote:I'm having a wierd issue where people stop 'speaking' during conversations. I have the subtitles on, but the subtitles rushes by the screen faster than I can read it. It's really annoying.What you might be experiencing here is a timing issue Obsidian built into the game. Solange knowles when i get home. They talked about it on there forums when they recommended people do not copy the game to the hard drive (not saying you did, but the issue can still creep up) due to the fact that they used an ingame timer for several sequences.
If that timer gets messed up in any way, fast fast fast everything goes. FWIW,I got this reply back from LucasArts and #2 actually has worked for me so far.quote:Thank you for your message,Please try the following tips below for further troubleshooting purposes:.WARNING: Be advised that you WILL lose all save game progress if you chooseto complete step #3 below.1. You may need to go into the Xbox settings/clock section and check the TIME andDATE. Is it correct?
Kotor 2 Peragus Black Screen
If not, please change it to the proper TIME and DATE.2. Try clearing your cache of the game. To clear your Xbox's cache of the game, youneed at least three other Xbox games. Place the first game in and let it load untilit gets to the game's main menu. Next, repeat this process with the other two games.Once finished, place the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II CD in your Xboxand then try the game again.or3.
If the above options don't help out, you may want to remove the game CD from theXbox, restart the Xbox and choose MEMORY from the Xbox main menu. Select the Xbox toaccess the hard-drive and scroll down until you locate the Star Wars Kotor IIdirectory and remove this file. Next, power down the Xbox for 10 seconds and insertthe game CD.Hope this helps!May the Force be with you,JasonLucasArts Technical Support. You may need to go into the Xbox settings/clock section and check the TIME andDATE. Is it correct? If not, please change it to the proper TIME and DATE.2.
Try clearing your cache of the game. To clear your Xbox's cache of the game, youneed at least three other Xbox games. Place the first game in and let it load untilit gets to the game's main menu. Next, repeat this process with the other two games.Once finished, place the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II CD in your Xboxand then try the game again.or3. If the above options don't help out, you may want to remove the game CD from theXbox, restart the Xbox and choose MEMORY from the Xbox main menu.
Select the Xbox toaccess the hard-drive and scroll down until you locate the Star Wars Kotor IIdirectory and remove this file. Next, power down the Xbox for 10 seconds and insertthe game CD.OMFG, that's hilarious. I know an XBOX was built on PC innards, but I had no idea you had to jump through the same stupid hoops that PC game make you jump through so your games will run correctly.Very.very.very.pathetic. Quote:Originally posted by Cognivore:quote:1. You may need to go into the Xbox settings/clock section and check the TIME andDATE. Is it correct?
If not, please change it to the proper TIME and DATE.2. Try clearing your cache of the game. To clear your Xbox's cache of the game, youneed at least three other Xbox games.
Place the first game in and let it load untilit gets to the game's main menu. Next, repeat this process with the other two games.Once finished, place the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II CD in your Xboxand then try the game again.or3. If the above options don't help out, you may want to remove the game CD from theXbox, restart the Xbox and choose MEMORY from the Xbox main menu. Select the Xbox toaccess the hard-drive and scroll down until you locate the Star Wars Kotor IIdirectory and remove this file.
Next, power down the Xbox for 10 seconds and insertthe game CD.OMFG, that's hilarious. I know an XBOX was built on PC innards, but I had no idea you had to jump through the same stupid hoops that PC game make you jump through so your games will run correctly.Very.very.very.pathetic.Call me when I have to edit autoexec.bat and config.sys. Quote:Originally posted by chowder.:Anyone else notice the ULTRA crapy frame rate?!WTFno major problems yet though.11 hours inNo kidding. If it were some crazy combat sequence, with blaster bolts, lightsaber flashes, and other mayhem-related effects, I'd be annoyed, but understanding.

The frame rate seems to take a dive even when just exploration sparsely populated regions. I don't know what the hell happened.Apart from that though, I've been playing for almost 10 hours, and no major bugs yet.
I'm hoping for a KOTOR-esque experience. I went through the cache cleaning process and found that it runs a bit smoother and doesn't crash anymore.It's still buggy, still has uuber choppy-framerates, and still has dialogue that makes no sense. I can't tell you how many times I've come across a situation where the dialogue options are: Evil Response #: 1, Evil Response #: 2, Evil Response #: 3, leave conversation. Yeah - nice choice selection.
They can't give me some options my character might actually say. I just get 3 different versions of the same lame response.I also noticed some other. Issue that seemed weird to me. I started with a Sith character, but I think I buggered up somewhere because I went to Dantoine first and I can't finish everything. So, I fired up a light-side character and found that I was missing cut-scenes. In particular:Gur fprar ba Grybf'f fhesnpr jurer lbh trg guebhtu gur zvyvgnel onfr naq gnxr n fuhggyr gb gur nepgvp jnfgrf.
Gur svefg cynl guebhtu, V ynhapurq gur fuhggyr, naq gur arkg guvat V xabj V'z onpx va punenpgre jvgu n jerpxrq fuvc oruvaq zr. Sbe jungrire qhzo ernfba, vg fxvccrq nyy bs gur phg fprarf. Jura V ercynlrq jvgu n 'yvtug fvqr' punepgre, V tbg gb frr rirelguvat.I'm also immensely dissapointed with the game balance.
Kotor 2 Black Screen During Cutscenes
It's so much easier to play a light side character - the quests seem easier, the first few characters you meet want you to be good. Playing as a dark side character just seems much harder, especially if you're trying to win influence with people. How the hell can I be a supreme evil overlord and yet still be sensitive to my crew members just so I can win influence and make them evil. That's just dumb.
Quote:Originally posted by Wolfmeister:My lightsider is still problem free after 30ish hours, but I've hit a similar bug when I tried to start my darksider character, the game goes nuts when T3 gets frozen by the HK50 droid on Peragus. The screen goes all black, yet I can still hear sounds that prove it's not frozen, and the menus are still operational, so I saved and reloaded and lo and behold, the picture is back, cept it's MY character where T3 was, and as soon as I change loading zones, it's back to a still-frozen T3.You're playing off the HDD, right? I imagine the first guy is, too. I ran into this bug as well, and it's fixable. However, I understand LucasArt's reasons for staying silent on the matter.
Find the file '%gameroot%swkotor2.ini', and change the line that reads 'UseLocalContent=0' to 'UseLocalContent=1'. Save the file, FTP to the box, and reload the game from the closest save point to where you hit the bug.
Full Black Screen
You shouldn't hit it again.Not claiming the game isn't buggy, but the worst bug that I ran into (the freeze when T3 gets zapped by HK50 on Peragus) was fixed by this.