Copeland Compressor Capacity Chart Average ratng: 4,8/5 5028 votes
  1. Copeland Scroll Compressor Manual

3-22 HP CONDENSING UNITS Technical Guide Scroll and Discus® Models BN-HCUTB. Bohn condensing units are available with Copeland Scroll compressors. Copeland Scroll. Model Compressor Capacity BTUH @ 90°F Ambient Suction Temperature 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F. Copeland® condensing unit. Copeland® Hermetic Compressor. 4-1273 Factors to Consider in Converting Compressor Rated Capacity to Actual Capacity.


CopelandScroll refrigeration compressors (such as ZBxxKA-PFV) are designated by a'Z' in the first position of the model number. The second positiondetermines the application range (B = high/medium temperature, S = mediumtemperature, F = low temperature). The third and fourth positions representthe first two digits of the capacity of the compressor at its standard ratingconditions and the fifth position gives the multiplier for the capacity (C =100, K = 1,000, and M = 10,000). The sixth position designates thecompressor's model generation. If there is a seventh position before the dashprior to the electrical designation, it will be an E (Polyol Ester oil) or anL (shipped less oil). If there is nothing in the seventh position, the compressorhas mineral oil in it. Electrical designations (such as PFV) are the same asother Copeland速 models.

Copeland Scroll Compressor Manual

For picture diagrams, go to our Online ProductInformation (OPI) database on this website and search nomenclatures byproduct category. Copeland Scroll refrigeration compressors shipped withmineral oil are only approved for R-22. However, models shipped with PolyolEster or less oil are approved for use with R-22, R-404A, R-507, and R-134a.