Become High King Of Skyrim V2 Xb1 Edition
Dovahkiin could become High King of Skyrim if he wanted to. Discussion in 'General. Destroy the Stormcloaks then be mooted to be high king because your dragonborn, you have killed Alduin and Tbaged his skull to show your boaws and by some chance you have earned your septims and become the richest guy in skyrim after that 100000 achievement.
www.skyrimgems.comThis is a remake/continuatuion of the original mod unlike the other BHKOS mod on steam this version will be updated please Give suggestions in the comment section below or in a forum.IMPORTANT NOTE: Surgus has been moved from the Markarth Warrens to his on cell in by the waterfall in Markarth. Heres a video for details:Also on top of that the video on our mod page is out of date, so keep that in mind we are working on a new one.Special thanks to Aysigago for letting me take over the mod!Discord Link:- Blog: For Updates check out our new blog:- The mods guide has all info you need:- Go a head and join the First High Council here:Staff List:Mr.Infinium: Author/Mod CreatorZindar55: Voice Acting/DevelopmentNew Community Manager Needed! Send applications to Harkon121599!!!!KJ16609: Beta Tester/Bug ReporterGreenLanturn: Beta Tester/Bug ReporterWe are currently looking to expand our team. We are looking for people to spend a few ours a week updating the mod. Submit a application using this link. (#2) executed publicly with all of the people you've invited joining, though maybe walking off half way through after figuring out it isn't Nazeem watch their execution. You can pay for massive armies and fight the Thalmor, though it will take a'lot of soldiers to win anything against the thalmor and it will certainly cost a'lot of gold to replace those soldiers.
If you decide you don't want to keep fighting them you can always make a treaty of some sort at the Embassy in High-Reach. Higher a council to help you with your daily life as High-King, select scouts, thanes (i think), and jarls for the major holds.(If i have left anything out, or misquoted one of the functions please do point it out.).
Become High King Of Skyrim Kill Elisif
(#1) @OneHellofaDragon, it has an interesting quest to become the high (Monarch) king with i believe three options (Could be wrong, haven't checked in awhile.) After which you can have a personal guard with you, order people to give you their items, to dance, order nearby people to seize Nazeem for treachery - you can also promote people to citizen of highreach and have up to 40 (i think) of your favorite characters living in your dream keep. You can throw people in the prison who you don't like, or force them to work in the mines; if you feel like killing them quickly, or making room in your prison/mine you can force them to fight as a gladiator/challenger in the arena and watch from above for your own amusement; if you only want one of your 'pit-dogs' to die you can always put them up against 20 trolls. If you are not into forcing them to become a money making machine, making them fight to the death, or keeping them as an important political prisoner then you can always have them.